The hot club de Grece created by Giannis Loukatos, follows the steps of the Hot Club of France, the orchestra created by the legendary gypsy guitarist Django Reinhardt in the '30s. The music of Django, which is more widely known as gypsy jazz, not only remains alive, but continues to fascinate and attract many funs worldwide. The Hot Club de Grece took part in various musical events and festivals as well as the biggest music scenes in Athens. Apart from music and songs of Django, Hot Club includes in its repertoire French songs and jazz standard

The Hot Club de Grece, comprised of four talented and experienced musicians, John Lukacs (El. Guitar), Anthony Arfani (headphones. Guitar), Christina Siriopoulos (Voice) and Kostas Klagko (bass). Inspired by the early period of the Swing-Jazz (1930-1950) and in particular French idiom of Jazz Manouche (with main representative gypsy guitarist legendary Django Reinhardt), started their cooperation before about two years by adapting urban Greek songs strong rhythmic element of Swing and clear references to American Jazz era. Their repertoire covers musical styles from Jazz ballads, Bossa Nova, Blues to Bebop and Funk rhythms on American and French standards, always played with their own unique style. Soon the four-figure will invite excellent musicians to staff the group with their music.

Instrument types
Strings (bow), Strings (plucked), Voice
Yannis Loukatos
Antonis Arfanis
Christine Syriopoulos
Kostas Klagkos