The "tamburica“ is a Croatian folk instrument, similar to the balalaika and the mandolin. "Tamburica“ is the collective term for different string instruments, which are played in a similar way to those of a string orchestra.

This Croatian folk music group has now existed for over 45 years. The Tamburica Cindrof was founded in 1963. Matthias Schlögl was the first musical director of the group. His successor was Franz Handl, who, in turn, was followed by Ernst Gollubits in 1972. The current director is Roland Petschenig, who has been extremely committed in his leadership of the group since he took over in 1996.

Over the years, the Tamburica has successfully represented Burgenland and Austria both at home and abroad. Thanks to its informal, but spirited manner, the group has always been enthusiastically welcomed on its many tours and guest performances.

It is particularly worth mentioning that, since the late 1970s, the group has been closely connected with Toni Stricker and André Heller. Both of these well-known musicians have included tamburica music in their recordings, thus showing that this instrument need not only be used for playing folk music. The results of working together with these two gentlemen were the LP, "The most beautiful songs of the Pannonian homeland", which was produced by André Heller and the participation of the group in many of Toni Stricker’s works.

Year of foundation
Instrument types
Strings (bow), Strings (plucked)
Artistic director
Roland Petschenig
